We have heard the statistics, but I think our children need to know them too. 17% of children are obese, meaning that their body mass index (based on height and weight) is at or above the 95th percentile for their age and gender. While that statistic is a concern, what is more alarming is that over a third of adults are obese. Obesity, as we know, contributes to shorter lifespans and a decreased quality of life. As homeschoolers, we want to teach our children the life skills they need to avoid obesity now and as adults.
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Teaching Tip of the Week
Organized Homeschool Challenge of the Week
The Blog or Business Challenge
How to Have Your Cake and Your Skinny Jeans Too by Josie Spinardi
Raising Fit Kids in a Fat World
Periscope Viewers
Mandy Kelly Of Worshipful Living
Lara of LaraMarriott.com
Action Steps for the Week
1.Teach Scriptures having to do with gluttony
2. Explain that hunger is the only reason to eat
3. Teach how to avoid eating past satisfied
Next week
How to Balance Work and Homeschooling