Whether because of finances or choice, more and more homeschooling moms are working and homeschooling. While many women make it work, balancing both can be a real challenge. Today we'll share tips for saving your sanity while pursuing two callings.
Sneak Peek
You can get a sneak peek of my new language arts curriculum and this great Reading-for-Treasure Map at Grammar Galaxy Books.
Teaching Tip of the Week
The Organized Homeschool Challenge of the Week
Periscope Viewer Tips
Tatiana says setting clear boundaries with the rest of the family is key, both kids and hubby know not to disturb me when I am at work. I also have my work computer separate from the main living area of the house. What helps me also is that I am most productive in the early morning , so I start working at 5 am and the rest of the people in my house usually sleep until 8
Veronica Karen @Jansta suggests staying hydrated throughout the day and journaling about any guilt you're experiencing.
Lenny @Hi5Hschool
Today's Action Steps
- Protect Your Time
- Get Help
- Make Decisions Without Guilt, especially whether you should work AND homeschool
Next Week
We'll discuss reasons your child doesn't love language arts and what to do about it.