What Does It Mean to Be a Woman of God Today?
Hey, homeschoolers! What does it mean to be a woman of God in a world that seeks to redefine womanhood? That's what I discussed with my guest Kristen Clark. It's an important topic for us to consider as homeschooling mothers and also as parents of daughters. Listen to the podcast Kristen Clark is married to her best friend, Zack, and is a newly adoptive mom to two precious boys from Ukraine. She is co-founder...
How to Make Fitness a Part of Your Homeschool
Hey, homeschoolers! I have been a fitness enthusiast my entire adult life. I ran track in high school but became enamored with weight training because of a required class in college. I saw a young woman in class who had incredible muscle definition that she had acquired through weight training. I was inspired! I believe that fitness is foundational to physical and mental health. Because it is, I believe we have to make it a priority...
Is It Time for Your Dream, Mom?
Hey, homeschoolers! For years I wrestled with whether or not I should pursue the dreams I have apart from homeschooling and parenting. I know that's a struggle for many of my listeners too. That's why I wanted Karla Marie Williams, author of the new book Mom-Spiration to join me for the podcast. Listen to the podcast Sponsor Before I share our interview with you, I want to introduce you to the sponsor of today's episode: 7 Sisters...
A Sane Approach to Homeschool Screen Time
Hey, homeschoolers! Do you have concerns about your kids' screen time? If so, you're like me and many homeschooling parents who have been forced to deal with a new digital reality. We'll dive into the topic of developing a sane approach to homeschool screen time in just a moment. Listen to the podcast Sponsor But first, I'd like to thank our sponsor for this episode: Time4Learning. Time 4 Learning curriculum gives students the...
Homeschool Sanity Show Top 40
Hey homeschoolers! It's amazing but true. In podcasting for four of the last five years, I've recorded more than 150 shows. What's funny is that I've done enough that I can't remember them all. I was going to do an episode on guilt, but found I'd already done it. To solve that problem, I organized all of my episodes so I could search them easily. Doing that made me realize you might like this information. You might not have been...
How to Teach Foreign Language in Your Homeschool
Listen to the podcast Read the blog post Hey, homeschoolers! Have you had a hard time teaching foreign language in your homeschool like I have? I studied German but wanted my kids to learn Spanish. It's been a challenge for me to say the least. That's why I was excited to meet Anne Guarnera. She has a PhD in Spanish and is also the homeschooling mother of two boys. She has the author of the website Language Learning at Home and seeks...