Hey homeschoolers!
It's amazing but true. In podcasting for four of the last five years, I've recorded more than 150 shows. What's funny is that I've done enough that I can't remember them all. I was going to do an episode on guilt, but found I'd already done it. To solve that problem, I organized all of my episodes so I could search them easily. Doing that made me realize you might like this information. You might not have been listening from the beginning, or you might want to listen to a favorite episode again. So today I'm going to share the top 40 episodes with you and how you can easily find an episode on the topic you're interested in.
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But first I want to thank my sponsor, 7 Sisters Homeschool. Check out the episode I did with 7 Sisters on homeschooling high school as well as my brand new review of their movies as literature curriculum called Cinema Studies. Spoiler alert: I LOVE IT.
Homeschool Sanity Show Top 40
Now for this week's topic: the Homeschool Sanity Show top 40. I wish I was Casey Kasem right now. If you don't know who he is because you're too young, don't tell me. That's too depressing. He did a weekly top 40 radio show. I'm not going to give you the shows in order, thouh. Instead, I'm going to share them by category. The shows I have recorded here fall into three broad categories: organization and sanity; parenting and marriage; and curriculum and general homeschooling. The organization and sanity category makes up 50% of the shows I've done with the other two categories making up 25% each. Let's start with the top 20 shows in organization and sanity category.
Top Organization and Sanity Shows
Several of my most popular episodes included guest interviews. The top two episodes are interviews I did with my famous friend, the FLYLady. Early on for the Homeschool Sanity Show, the FLYLady shared about the power of routines and in 2016 we chatted about homeschool FLYing. I need to have her back, don't I? If you need to break free from the chaos of disorganization, I know you'll love those episodes.
The episode I did with Julie Bogart on keeping your homeschool commitment was also very popular. I loved hearing her homeschool story that allowed her kids to move in and out of homeschooling as needed. She is an encourager you'll love.
If you've ever been interested in starting a blog, you'll want to listen to the episode I did early on with Jimmie Lanley. She makes the path for getting started simple but realistic.
Last year I did a series of podcasts where I interviewed new homeschoolers. The episodes where we chatted about routines, scheduling, and having goals and devotional time made the top of the list.
Scheduling has been a hot topic in general. Early in the show's archives, I interviewed the owners of A Plan in Place. That was a popular show as was Secrets of Scheduling Success.
When it comes to organization, the more I've referenced stress, the more popular the episode. How to Get Organized When Life Is in Chaos, How to Have Your Sanest Homeschool Year, 6 Christmas Stress Mistakes to Avoid, Stress Management for Homeschool Moms, and Stop Worrying; Start Homeschooling have all made the top 40.
Mood, motivation, and faith are important to my listeners when it comes to organization, too. Time Management Lies Homeschool Moms Believe, How to Help Your Homeschooler Get More Done, How to Be Consistent in Your Homeschool, How to Be a Proverbs 31 Homeschool Mom, and How to Be Happy and Homeschool Too have all been tops with listeners.
Click at the bottom of the table to enlarge the table below of all published podcasts to allow you to binge listen for massive motivation. Top 40 episodes are starred.
You'll also want to purchase your copy of The Organized Homeschool Life book and planner.
Top Curriculum and Homeschooling Episodes
The second category I'll share top posts from is curriculum and general homeschooling. My most popular guest in this category is Cindy West who taught us about nature walks early on in the show, then about a sane approach to Charlotte Mason homeschooling. I did a recent show with her about how to homeschool smart kids.
Charlene Notgrass of Notgrass History addressed a common concern about having gaps in a homeschool education. You'll want to listen to that popular episode, too.
Jonathan Harris gave us helpful information about teaching to our kids' talent — a huge advantage for homeschoolers.
Mary Prather and Kelli Graf talked with me about Classical Conversations and whether it would be a good fit for your family. If you've considered it or don't know anything about it, you'll want to listen to that episode.
My last episode with the new homeschoolers became about interest-led learning and was a popular show as well.
The show I did on homeschooling boys was a very hot topic. Apparently many of you have boys! I recently did a show on helping tween girls manage their emotions that you may want to listen to if you have daughters.
The show I did on the best language arts curriculum was downloaded frequently. I plan on doing more best-of curriculum shows in the future.
But buying lots of curriculum can be a part of curriculum addiction and that was a hot show too.
Finally, the episode I did on the Turpin case or child abuse amongst homeschoolers was a popular episode. I've received a lot of positive feedback on my perspective as a homeschooling psychologist on the issue.
You can pick up your copy of Grammar Galaxy (something that should be expempt from your curriculum addiction avoidance efforts).
Top Parenting and Marriage Episodes
The final category of episodes I'll discuss is parenting and marriage. Parenting is the most popular subject for the talks I do for the Great Homeschool Conventions, right after organization.
The most popular guest-interview episode in this category is Homeschooling the Uncooperative Child with Rebecca Spooner. She gives a number of practical tips I know you'll appreciate.
Next was Carol Barnier helping us to homeschool distractible kids. Carol is funny and wise. It's a must-listen if you have a child with ADD.
Renee Gotcher, a formerly homeschooled student, talked with us about raising next generation homeschoolers. If you'd like your kids to homeschool their kids, I know you'll love this episode.
The parenting-approach episode I did with the new homeschoolers is a top-40 episode as is the episode I did entitled The #1 Question Homeschoolers Ask Me. Yep, it has to do with parenting. I highly recommend the episode if you have parenting struggles.
How to manage anger, frustration, and conflict have been very hot topics on the podcast. You'll want to listen to how to manage parental anger, how to manage low frustration tolerance, and conflict management skills to teach your kids.
The episode I did on homeschooling without help — either you're single or your husband isn't a big help — was more popular than episodes I've done on marriage in general. I was asked to do a show on the topic and it looks like it was needed by the response.
I'm committed to continuing to provide parenting helps and assistance with teaching kids social skills. I don't yet have any print materials in this category yet, but God willing, I will in the future.
Those are the top 40 episodes. It was fun looking up the download numbers to see what you're most interested in. But it was also an honor. I'm so grateful to God for this medium that allows me to speak directly from my bedroom closet to you, wherever you are. Thank you so much for listening, for reviewing the podcast, for commenting, and emailing. You remind me that I'm not talking to myself.
My deepest desire is to assist you in this high calling of homeschooling. I want you to have a happy, healthy family and a consistent walk with God, who is the source of homeschool sanity. If you have a suggestion for a show topic or guest, or if you have a question, drop me a line at psychowith6 [at] gmail [dot] com. I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks again to 7 Sisters Homeschool for their sponsorship. Be sure to listen to their Homeschooling High School podcast right here on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network.
Have a happy homeschool week!