3 Simple Grammar Tips for Homeschool Moms
Hey, homeschoolers! I wrote the curriculum series Grammar Galaxy in part because I'm a grammar nerd. Grammar has always come easily to me and I love it. But hand me a Rubik's cube or another visual-spatial puzzle and I just can't get it. If visual-spatial skills are your strength, you could send me written instructions for solving it and I might understand. In the same spirit, I want to give those of you whose weakness is grammar some...
Advice for Aspiring Writers with Phil Ulrich
Hey, homeschoolers! I met Phil and Erin Ulrich at the Great Homeschool Convention in South Carolina. I fell in love with their books and Phil's writing story. I invited him to join me on the podcast to discuss advice for aspiring writers. I know many of you would like to write or have kids who love it. Listen to the podcast Before I share this inspiring interview, I want to thank my sponsor for this podcast: Voyage Course. The...
Help for Distracted & Struggling Readers with Carol Barnier
Hey, homeschoolers! I interviewed Carol Barnier my first year doing The Homeschool Sanity Show and it was a privilege for me. I had heard her speak at conferences and had read her books and loved what she had to say. Carol is not only hilarious but is so wise in helping distracted students and moms. In today's episode, we'll discuss how to help kids who are not only distracted but struggle to read. If you have or know a student with...
Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Your Child’s Writing
Hey, homeschoolers! After reading, I've found that homeschooling parents are most concerned about their children's writing ability. I understand that. As a writer and homeschool mom, I wanted my children to be excellent writers. When they weren't, I was worried. But in this episode, I'm going to give you three reasons not to worry about your child's writing. Before I do, I invite you to subscribe to Grammar Galaxy's monthly language...
How to Help Struggling Readers
Hey, homeschoolers! We know that reading is the key to unlocking knowledge. When our child is struggling to read as mine once did, we get worried. My guest today, Jan Harmsworth, is going to help us relax. Jan Harmsworth is the author of The Easy Reading Formula Course. It’s new, it’s different, and as far as she knows there isn’t anything else on the market like it. It’s written specifically for US home schoolers whose child is...
The Best Audiobooks for Kids and Families Now
Hey, homeschoolers! I recently spoke about how valuable audiobooks are in homeschooling. But I’m excited about my guest today, who will help us identify the best audiobooks to listen to now that we are sheltering in. Of course, these are great choices any time! Listen to the podcast Today’s episode is brought to you by Grammar Galaxy Nebula in audiobook form. It makes a great review of the basic parts of speech but in a way that is...