Hey, homeschoolers!
Does grammar get groans at your house? That’s how grammar lessons taught in the traditional way are usually greeted. And we can’t blame our kids for dreading grammar. It can be dry and tedious.
Skipping it isn’t a good option, however. Grammar is important because it comprises a significant part of college entrance exams. It also determines how our kids will be viewed by peers and potential employers.
Fortunately, there’s another way. Grammar can be fun! When it is, it helps make grammar lessons stick. I have six easy steps for making grammar engaging in a minute.
But first, I'd like to thank my sponsor for this episode, BookShark.
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Resources for Making Grammar Fun
Grammar Galaxy Scope and Sequence
Students perceive they are learning more from instructors who are humorous.
They can involve movement and should, especially if you’re teaching younger boys.
free grammar games I mentioned
Even though grammar is important, it isn’t as important as reading for pleasure.
We can build the fun of anticipation into our grammar teaching by having students edit a continuing story line by line or by teaching grammar within the context of a continuing story.
Do you have more ideas for making grammar fun? Comment with them below.