How to Stay Happy Through the Holidays as a Homeschool Mom
Hey, homeschoolers! We wish each other happy holidays, but sometimes it's hard to be happy through the holidays. I have three reasons it can be hard that lead to three steps we can take toward happier holidays. But first I'd like to thank our sponsor for the podcast: NOW Programs. Sponsor: NOW Programs If you're homeschooling a student with special needs, check out Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube My...
How to Homeschool Through the Holidays
Hey, homeschoolers! How will you homeschool through the holiday season? There are many approaches that can work for you, but you're most likely to feel good about the season when you're intentional about it. I invited guest Katie Trent back to share with us some ideas for adjusting our homeschooling during the holidays. I also asked her about her new book that is a must-add-to-cart title. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Before...
Organized Christmas Boot Camp
Hey, homeschoolers! Last week I asked homeschoolers on Facebook how organized they felt they were on a scale of 1 to 10. Some moms told me that they were feeling good about their Christmas preparation. But other moms told me that they weren't organized at all. In fact, a few felt completely overwhelmed and relatively hopeless about their ability to create a peaceful Christmas celebration. Listen to the podcast That response spurred me...
How to Have a Saner Christmas This Year
Listen to the podcast Read the blog post Hey, homeschoolers! I don't know anyone who wants to have a crazy Christmas–the kind that leads to exhaustion, sickness, and dread of the new year. Instead, every homeschooler I know wants to have a meaningful, peaceful, and joyful Christmas. Of course, we can't control every part of our Christmas holiday. But I believe there are things we can do to make a saner Christmas more likely....
Christmas Stress Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make
Things can get really stressful this time of year. We may not be able to avoid stress entirely, but we can avoid doing things that can make our Christmas season much worse. I'll share the mistakes we don't want to make in this episode. It's not a guarantee of a great Christmas, but it's certain to help. Ready to listen to the podcast? LISTEN HERE or SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES or ON STITCHER Links Homeschool Sanity Facebook Page try...