How to Get Everything Done & Still Have Time to Play
Hey, homeschoolers! I recently read Mark Forster's book How to Get Everything Done and Still Have Time to Play and I absolutely loved it. It's been another of his books that has been life-changing for me. In this episode, I want to share principles from the book that can help you accomplish your homeschool and other goals this year and have plenty of free time too. Listen to the Podcast Watch on YouTube Sponsor NOW Programs for...
How to Teach Leadership
Hey, homeschoolers! I used to be of the mind that leaders were born, not made. What I mean is, I thought you needed to be a Type A extrovert to be a leader. There didn't seem to be much point to teaching my introverted kids how to lead. But my opinion has changed as I've watched my introverted, Type B child become a leader. I've also changed my thinking after interviewing Kerry Beck for the podcast. Her definition of leadership...
How to Stay Happy Through the Holidays as a Homeschool Mom
Hey, homeschoolers! We wish each other happy holidays, but sometimes it's hard to be happy through the holidays. I have three reasons it can be hard that lead to three steps we can take toward happier holidays. But first I'd like to thank our sponsor for the podcast: NOW Programs. Sponsor: NOW Programs If you're homeschooling a student with special needs, check out Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube My...
Combatting Family Consumerism
Hey, homeschoolers! Pushing back against a consumerist culture is an issue all year but is on our minds even more during the holidays. My guest today has experience in teaching kids to combat consumerism with good old-fashioned hard work. I'll introduce him after this message from our sponsor. Now programs. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Podcast Sponsor: NOW Programs Podcast Guest: Keith Phillips Keith...
How to Homeschool Through the Holidays
Hey, homeschoolers! How will you homeschool through the holiday season? There are many approaches that can work for you, but you're most likely to feel good about the season when you're intentional about it. I invited guest Katie Trent back to share with us some ideas for adjusting our homeschooling during the holidays. I also asked her about her new book that is a must-add-to-cart title. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Before...