Combatting Family Consumerism
Hey, homeschoolers! Pushing back against a consumerist culture is an issue all year but is on our minds even more during the holidays. My guest today has experience in teaching kids to combat consumerism with good old-fashioned hard work. I'll introduce him after this message from our sponsor. Now programs. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Podcast Sponsor: NOW Programs Podcast Guest: Keith Phillips Keith...
How to Homeschool Through the Holidays
Hey, homeschoolers! How will you homeschool through the holiday season? There are many approaches that can work for you, but you're most likely to feel good about the season when you're intentional about it. I invited guest Katie Trent back to share with us some ideas for adjusting our homeschooling during the holidays. I also asked her about her new book that is a must-add-to-cart title. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Before...
Teaching Reading the Active Way
Hey, homeschoolers! When I began homeschooling, I thought I would have to teach reading on the couch. That's a lot more comfortable for kids than at desks, but I didn't know that I could do better–especially for my boys. Before I introduce my guest, I want to share this message from our sponsor, NOW Programs. Sponsor: NOW Programs Podcast Guest: Stefanie Hohl Stefanie Hohl is an experienced educator...
How to Find Homeschool Rest in the Gospel
Hey, homeschoolers! When it comes to seeking a more relaxed homeschool, we can find numerous tips for adjusting our schedule and curriculum. But there is only one source for true rest. My guest today is going to share how we can find it. Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube Before I introduce her, I'd like to thank our sponsor: CTC Math. Sponsor: CTC Math Are you looking for a new Math Curriculum? CTCMath specializes...
What Should We Teach Kids About Heaven?
Hey, homeschoolers! I was so excited about heaven as a little girl that I wasn't afraid to die. My mother was freaked out and realized she needed to change her approach. What are you teaching your kids about heaven? As believers, we want what we teach to be biblical, but which aspects of heaven should we emphasize? Listen to the podcast Watch on YouTube I chatted about this topic with former guest Jordan Raynor, who has authored a new...