The Trust Project: Trusting God with Health and Safety
Hey, homeschoolers!
I am replacing today's originally scheduled topic with one I think is of the utmost importance. Today I want to share with you about what I believe is the biggest and best project of my life and how you can join me.
I recently finished the audiobook The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod. In the book, Hal encourages us to choose a big goal that is in line with our values. He also encourages us to choose a goal that will make us better people — the kind of people who are able to accomplish our other goals. I was walking my neighborhood as I listened to his book. I considered a number of goals, including writing more books and getting into better shape. But the truth is, I've already accomplished similar goals. And those goals don't necessarily line up with my highest value, which is my faith in God.
Resources for The Trust Project: Health & Safety
The Organized Homeschool Life.
I've shared what a rough year this has been for me already
So will you join me? If so, you can download your free Trust Project Printables by clicking the button below.
All the areas of focus, Scriptures, Bible readings and journaling responses are included. When you opt to receive them, you'll be added to a special Trust Project list, where you will receive only Trust Project updates. So if you have a Christian friend or family member who wants to join us, who is not a homeschooling parent, they can without getting unrelated email.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
Jehovah Rapha by Mary J. Nelson
I would love to have your recommendations as well. Comment below so others can see them.
Throughout this month, keep meditating on Proverbs 3:7-8. Read other Bible accounts of God's healing and protection. Keep truth journaling, remembering God's faithfulness, believing and obeying the wisdom He's already given you, and praying and thanking Him.
Thank you for joining me in trusting God with health and safety. God bless your week!
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