One of the things that tests a homeschooling mother's patience is a reluctant learner. Join me for this podcast episode where my Periscope viewers and I share tips for motivating your students.
Teaching Tip of the Week
@DawnKeeton_ on Periscope recommended the monthly cooking kit, Rad Dish.
The Organized Homeschool Challenge of the Week
This week we are cleaning out the pantry by making meals with orphaned items. You can find the free printable and the Plan to Eat affiliate link at this link. You can find the free meal planning ebook mentioned here. Subscribers to Psychowith6 already have the meal plan in the Subscriber Freebies folder at the bottom of your email.
Show Notes
Gifted Hands by Ben Carson
Homeschool Sanity on Facebook
Action Steps
- Investigate the reason for the reluctance.
- Inspire your child.
- Control the intensity of the work.
Periscoper Tips
Brandy (@OurThriftyHome) of Our Thrifty Home
Lara Marriott (@LaraMarriott) of
Next Week On The Show
What to do if your child wants to go to school.