Hey, homeschoolers! Today on the podcast I want to address the fear so many of us have that we’re not qualified. I want to tell you my story that began long before I began homeschooling or even had children and how I came to feel qualified.
But first, I want to invite you to join me at Psychowith6 on Facebook most Tuesday afternoons at 4E/3C/2M/1P for reviews and giveaways. I have been blessed with many materials from authors and homeschool publishers and I want to give them to families who want them. You’ll also get an inside look at resources that can enrich your homeschool. Besides that, if you join me live, I can enjoy chatting with you and getting to know you better. Of course, you can watch and enter the giveaways after the live video too. Under the Following tab, you can choose to see Psychowith6 first in your newsfeed so you’re less likely to miss me.
I want to thank Time 4 Learning for sponsoring this episode of The Homeschool Sanity Show.
Episode Resources
Today's Action Step
Today’s Action Step is to start doing something you don’t feel qualified to do. You’ll feel qualified the more action you take.
Thanks again to Time 4 Learning for sponsoring the podcast.
Have a happy homeschool week!