Do you hope that your kids will be involved in missions? This is the Homeschool Sanity Show–the episode where my guest shares practical ideas for inspiring even young children to serve as missionaries to a hurting world.
Hey, homeschoolers! With a full-time missionary in the family, we had plenty of mission inspiration in our homeschool. Between my sister-in-law and church-sponsored trips, our kids have served and ministered to people in Kenya, Tanzania, Mexico, the states, and locally and they have been blessed in the work.
I met Wayne or Wynand De Wet at a Great Homeschool Convention where he and his lovely daughter were sharing about missions and a new picture book that can engage our younger kids. Our conversation inspired a greater trust in God for me personally and a desire to spread the word about his ministry.
Wayne De Wet
Wayne graduated with a PhD in New Testament from the University of Pretoria in South Africa, where he served until 2008 as pastor and teacher with a passion for youth, retreats, and missions. Since 2009 he has served in the States as pastor, an adjunct professor of Indiana Wesleyan University, and an instructor of Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. His passion for missions led to the founding of One Plus God Ministries in October of 2013. He has been married since 1993 to his wife Somari, and they have two children, Shana and Nicky. Wynand believes that Christ-centered marriages, families, and businesses can leave strong spiritual legacies behind, and that partnership with the Lord and one another is our strength to bring about global, transformational change to God’s glory.
I hope you are inspired by our conversation.
How to Get Your Kids Interested in Missions Recap
In this episode of Homeschool Sanity, Melanie Wilson interviews Wayne de Wet, a missionary and founder of One Plus God Ministries. They discuss the importance of teaching children about missions and practical ways to do so.
De Wet shares an analogy of attending a baseball game with a friend who loves the sport but failing to enjoy it himself. He relates it to the challenge of teaching children about missions, a commandment of Jesus that is often taught but not fully implemented. De Wet suggests that understanding and experiencing missions is the key to making it a part of one's life.
He offers several practical ideas for homeschooling parents, including using resources like the Joshua Project, Operation World, and Wycliffe Bible Translators, reading missionary stories with children, and going on mission trips. De Wet also introduces a new resource developed by his organization, One Plus God Ministries, called OpieG, which uses four missions principles to teach children about missions.
Wilson and De Wet discuss the importance of contentment and how it can be modeled and taught to children. De Wet also shares his daughter's experience of going on a mission trip and how it impacted her life.
The podcast episode ends with a prayer for parents to catch God's heart for missions and teach their children to do the same.
See a flip-through of the book here.
Have a happy homeschool week!