Hey, homeschoolers!
Remember health class in school? Honestly, I don't. But I do know I haven't been excited about the health curriculum I've used with my high schoolers until now. We'll talk more about how to teach health in a minute.
Let's Connect
But first I would love to have you subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I am going to restart my video series called Ask Dr. Mel. I get a number of questions and I'll be providing short, usable answers on YouTube. Meanwhile, if you have a question you'd like me to answer, email me at psychowith6@gmail.com or message me at the Psychowith6 page on Facebook.
How to Teach Health in Your Homeschool
Now for this week's topic: how to teach health in your homeschool. My guest today is Vicki Tillman. I've chatted with Vicki before. Vicki is a speaker, curriculum developer, counselor and life/career coach. A homeschooling mom for 20-plus years, all five of Vicki’s children graduated from homeschool high school and have completed various degrees at college and graduate levels. You can learn more about Vicki at 7SistersHomeschool and at the Homeschool High School Podcast page. She is a lovely lady and I know you'll enjoy our chat.
Join me next week as we talk about trusting God with friends.
Have a happy homeschool week!