Homeschool Distractions & How to Ignore Them

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Hey, homeschoolers! One of the biggest challenges we face in homeschooling and life is distraction. There are many obstacles in the path to focusing on what really matters. And ignoring them is quite a challenge. But it's possible! That's what I want to share with you in this episode.

Before I do, I want to invite you to engage in the distraction of Homeschool Sanity Circle. Yep, it's on Facebook. But it's an encouraging, supportive group. Have a question, a problem, or something funny to share? We are there for you.

Distractions Resources

Get Your Pretty On

Get Dressed for Success

Psycho with Style on Instagram

Grammar Galaxy Books

Secrets of Scheduling Success

Margin in Your Homeschool


When you identify distractions use breaks, guilt-free leisure time, imagining the future, make distractions more difficult, recognize the real reason for the distraction, and meditate and pray, I believe you will overcome distractions in your homeschool.

Join me next time as I discuss why you shouldn't worry about your child's writing. Have a happy homeschool week!

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Author: Dr. Mel

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