If your student wants to attend college but doesn't want to be loaded down with debt, I have a treat for you. This is The Homeschool Sanity Show, the episode where guest Kara Walker shares uncommon but practical tips for saving money on a college education.
Hey, homeschoolers! I absolutely love chatting with homeschoolers. That's just one reason I wanted to interview Kara Walker. Kara graduated from college debt-free, and is now on a quest to help other students do the same with her podcast, “Money and Mental Peace,” and her online course “The Debt-Free College Blueprint”! She is a twenty-something Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and recovering over-achiever. Kara enjoys goal-setting, budgeting, and living a debt-free lifestyle, and wants to help YOU do the same!
Kara is absolutely delightful. If you have a college-bound or finance-interested teen, have them listen to this episode with you. You won't be disappointed.
College Degree, Debt-Free Resources
Dave Ramsey personal finance courses
Homeschooling for College Credit
Money and Mental Peace – Kara's website and podcast
Have a happy homeschool week!