Hey, homeschoolers!
Last time I shared how you can find curriulum for homeschool sanity. This week, I have an amazing resource for you. I interview Heather Bowen of HomeschoolCurriculumFair.com.
Before I share the interview, I want to let you know that the audiobook version of Protostar, Grammar Galaxy Volume 2 is now available. Response to the audio version of the first volume has been strong. Tom McLean, the narrator, does an incredible job of bringing the book to life and adding humor with his voices. The audiobook is 20% off through September 10th. Add the audiobook to your purchase of the Protostar text and receive an additional $5 off.
Be sure to join the Top Picks Curriculum Fair group on Facebook and check out the curriculum website mentioned.
Join me next time as I discuss creating margin in our homeschools.
Have a happy homeschool week!