Homeschool Changes You Should Make Now

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Hey homeschoolers! It’s time to do some mid-year homeschool evaluation. I shared last week how to plan your homeschool year. This week I’ll tell you some changes I think every homeschooler should make, no matter what the approach.



Homeschool Changes You Should Make Now: podcast

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Podcast on Reluctant Homeschoolers with Rebecca Spooner

Grammar Galaxy: The Homeschool Sanity Show

I created Grammar Galaxy to make language arts fast, easy, and fun. I had to share what mom Elizabeth recently told me. She mentioned that their schooling had been a little off schedule because of a move. She wrote, “We got back on track yesterday and started Mission 8. Let me tell you, it's been fun, but my son lost his mind on this lesson! I have NEVER seen him laugh so hard during any lesson, for any subject since we started homeschooling. When the queen told Ellen, “I hate you” with tears in her eyes, he fell off his chair. He actually begged me to read the story to him again! I laughed equally hard at your instructions to try mixing up synonyms and antonyms at dinner (But [to] let your parents know what you are doing). Our 5 year old was so offended when he told me dinner was just terrible! You really did it. You truly made grammar fun. I didn't think it was possible but you obviously deserve some kind of medal! THANK YOU!”


Have a happy homeschool week!

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Author: Dr. Mel

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