How to Make This Your Sanest Homeschool Year
How did your homeschool year go? If it didn't go as well as you'd hoped, I have some suggestions for making next year your best yet. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST NOW Want to read this article as a blog post? READ HERE or SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES or ON STITCHER Links Subscribe Anki the mistake of giving up on our routines this time of year The 5 Am Miracle by Jeff Sanders Pam Barnhill’s Morning Basket Guide Konos How to Have a New Kid by Friday by...
The Best Homeschool Sanity Tips
Hey homeschoolers! For today’s episode, I asked some of my fellow podcasters at the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network to share their best tips for homeschool sanity. I know you’ll enjoy them. But first, I would love to have your comments. I read and respond to every comment I get on this podcast. It helps me to know what’s useful for you and what additional questions you have that I can address in future episodes. It reminds me that...
How to Handle Homeschool Overwhelm
Although I've been homeschooling for 16 years and seeking simplicity all that time, I still find myself getting overwhelmed at times. Fortunately, there's a solution that I wanted to share with listeners. Listen here or on iTunes If you can't believe that I've ever been completely disorganized and overwhelmed, you'll want to read my book, So You're Not Wonder Woman. People who know me today often tell me they can't believe my story,...