6 Anger Lies Christian Parents Believe
Hey, homeschoolers! I have been thrilled to get the feedback on last week's episode. So many of you are telling me that hearing you're not a failure is just what you needed to hear. This week I want to begin talking with you about another sanity stealer you've been telling me about: anger. When we struggle to control our tempers, especially with our kids, it's so disheartening. One of the reasons we struggle is because we're believing...
Holding on to Faith While Homeschooling
Many of us began homeschooling because of our faith. I know I felt called by God to homeschool my children. It wasn't my idea or even my preference. But somewhere along the way we can get confused about the promise of homeschooling. Today my guest is Kendra Fletcher of the Homeschooling in Real Life podcast and we will discuss Holding onto Faith While Homeschooling. I loved this interview so much that I've been telling people at my...