How to Combat Loneliness as a Homeschool Mom

How to Combat Loneliness as a Homeschool Mom

Do you wish you had more friends as a homeschool mom? Over my two decades of homeschooling, loneliness was a recurring problem. This is The Homeschool Sanity Show, the episode where I discuss how to combat loneliness as a homeschool mom. Listen to the podcast Hey, homeschoolers! I'm going to confess that I have sometimes envied moms who have dozens of homeschooling friends through their church, co-op, or activities. Although I had...

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Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating with Barb Raveling

Say Goodbye to Emotional Eating with Barb Raveling

Do you ever eat because you're bored, anxious, or excited? The is the episode where we learn how to say goodbye to emotional eating so we can stay focused on homeschooling. Hey, homeschoolers! The problem with emotional eating for homeschooling parents is two-fold. We hate the consequences for ourselves and we hate even more the example it sets for our kids. But how can we get past it? Listen to the podcast My guest for this episode...

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Coping with Extreme Stress

Coping with Extreme Stress

Hey, homeschoolersI Today I want to talk with you about coping with extreme stress by telling you what happened when I was 14 years old. I don't want to break up the story, though, so I'm going to thank my sponsor now–the film Show Me the Father. Everyone has a unique father story. Whether positive or painful, it’s always personal and can deeply affect the core of our identity and direction of our lives. Kendrick Brothers’ SHOW...

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Homeschooling with a Broken Spirit

Homeschooling with a Broken Spirit

Hey, homeschoolers! Homeschooling during a pandemic can certainly be a challenge. For some of us, it leads to a broken spirit. I've certainly had my days! But I experienced an even greater challenge in the days following a miscarriage. I want to offer you the help and hope you need for homeschooling with a broken spirit. Listen to the podcast I invited fellow conference speaker Dennis Gundersen of Grace and Truth Books to join me. In...

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Get Dressed for Homeschool Success

Get Dressed for Homeschool Success

Hey, homeschoolers! I am so excited about this episode. We aren't going to talk parenting or academics. We're going to talk about you. You are so important to your homeschool. You may think I'm going to talk about you getting enough sleep, the right nutrition, and exercise–and all those things are important. But today my guest and I are going to talk about the importance of fashion for homeschool moms. I discovered the power of...

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