Homeschool Sanity Show Top 40
Hey homeschoolers! It's amazing but true. In podcasting for four of the last five years, I've recorded more than 150 shows. What's funny is that I've done enough that I can't remember them all. I was going to do an episode on guilt, but found I'd already done it. To solve that problem, I organized all of my episodes so I could search them easily. Doing that made me realize you might like this information. You might not have been...
Don’t Feel Qualified To Homeschool?
Hey, homeschoolers! Today on the podcast I want to address the fear so many of us have that we’re not qualified. I want to tell you my story that began long before I began homeschooling or even had children and how I came to feel qualified. Listen to the podcast But first, I want to invite you to join me at Psychowith6 on Facebook most Tuesday afternoons at 4E/3C/2M/1P for reviews and giveaways. I have been blessed with many materials...
Stop Worrying; Start Homeschooling – Part 2
Hey, homeschoolers! Were you worried that I had disappeared? I enjoyed an extended vacation that has made a huge difference in how I feel. Normally, I am exhausted at the beginning of summer and I don't want to do anything. But this year, after two consecutive weeks off, I feel great. I highly recommend taking a real break from all the work and teaching you do, so you can be refreshed too. This week we'll discuss five more worries...
Stop Worrying; Start Homeschooling (Part 1)
Hey homeschoolers! Do you worry about homeschooling? If so, you're normal. You're welcome and thank you for joining me for this episode of The Homeschool Sanity Show. Just kidding. It is normal to worry, but I'm going to help you stop, so you can get on with the business of homeschooling. For this episode, we will discuss five common worries. If you're still worrying, you can join me for part 2 of the topic. Listen to the podcast But...
What Is a Homeschool Portfolio and Why Would I Need One?
Hey, homeschoolers! Welcome to this bonus broadcast of The Homeschool Sanity Show. Today, I'm going to share what a homeschool portfolio is and how it can be used to save your sanity. Listen to the podcast Before I do, I want to chat a bit about digital curriculum. I did an episode where I explained the advantages of digital curriculum and ideas for how to organize it and use it. Just as a reminder of that content, you can save money...
Interest-Led Learning: Homeschooling, the First Year
Hey, homeschoolers! I want to thank AFFIRM Films and Sony Pictures Animation for their sponsorship of this podcast. The Star is now available on Blue-ray, DVD and Digital – this is a great movie for the entire family. Listen to the podcast For this episode I got to catch up with our new homeschoolers. What was intended to be a topic on curriculum choices became a discussion of interest-led learning. I know you'll be...